Vicar's Newsletter for the third Sunday of Lent

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Dear Friends

On Monday I spent the day at the Quiet Day Bishop Robert offered clergy. He chose to lead us through the book of Philippians, a choice guided by the fact this was a letter written by Paul at a time of great personal uncertainty – he was probably under house arrest awaiting to know the fate of his appeal to Caesar – and yet, or perhaps, therefore, it is a letter marked by thanksgiving, joy and trust in God’s grace. If you feel the need of something steady you when the current news is heavy to bear it is good to return to. Bishop Robert encouraged us to notice that Paul ends his letter by encouraging his readers to find joy in the world – that we must hold on to the appreciation of all that is good and beautiful even in the midst of deep anxiety. We can feel deep gratitude at the sight of a young child running to her mother as she returns from six years of unjust detention. We can enjoy the sun on our faces, and the green shoots of new life arriving in the lengthening days of spring: letting joy strengthen us to stand and act for all that is loving and compassionate in the face of war.

There is a prayer initiative led by the third order of Francisicans creating a wave of prayer for peace each day across many nations – each country praying at a different time so the prayer is constant. If you would like to join in the time for the UK is 8pm (see words sent from Marie Therese (formerly of the Poor Clares Convent in Lynton) at the bottom of the email.

On the another concerning issue – can I encourage continued caution in the way we meet with one another in church. As you will be aware the number of Covid infections in our area is high, and this does create pressure on our local health services . We can act with love to support them and protect the vulnerable amongst us by remaining vigilant in our own behaviour.

Finishing with a more joyful reminder: there are adjustments to our pattern of services as we end this month – to enable the celebration of Mothering Sunday across the Mission Community, so there is no self led service this weekend at Parracombe but next week, 27th March:

self led Mothering Sunday Services at Parracombe at 9am and Martinihoe and 11am

9am Holy Communion (BCP) at Brendon

11am Mothering Sunday Holy Communion Lynton

God bless, Samantha

Prayer times across the world:

Germany 4 p.m
Austria 4 p.m
Spain 4:00 p.m
Portugal 3:00 p.m
Canary Islands 3:00 p.m
Costa Rica 8 p.m
Colombia 7:00 p.m
Nicaragua 8:00 p.m
Ecuador 7:00 p.m
Guatemala 8:00 p.m
Mexico 8 p.m
Panama 7 p.m
Honduras 6 p.m
El Salvador 8:00 p.m
Venezuela 6 p.m
Uruguay 5 p.m
Paraguay 5 p.m
Brazil 6 p.m
Argentina 5 p.m
Chile 5 p.m
Italy 4 p.m
Ireland 8 p.m
UK. 8 pm
India 9 p.m

Please support us in this initiative. We will pause for a minute each day at the appointed time to pray for world peace, for an end to conflict and for the restoration of tranquility to all people on the earth, and for families to look to God for their safety and to see their salvation.
If we understood the tremendous power of prayer, we would be amazed.
If you can forward this request to your contacts, we can work a miracle with our prayer.