Vicar's Newsletter for the Sunday before Lent

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2022_02_24_Ukraine_Pastoral_Letter_from_the_Archbishops.pdf Download
Church_news From_the_Vicar
Dear Friends,

In the aftermath of last week's storm I had a number of conversations about how its impact gave us an uncomfortable insight into the challenges felt by those in less priviledged parts of the world suffering from the ravages of natural disaster and war. A week later we are seeing pictures and hearing testimony from those across our own continent where escalated agression from Russian in Ukraine is causing devastation. Our Archbishops invite us to carry our empathy into dedicated times of prayer for peace: through the day this Sunday, at 6pm on Tuesday in solidarity with the Anglican chaplaincy in Kyiv, and on Wednesday in response to Pope Francis' call to dedicate this Ash Wednesday as a day of prayer and fasting for peace. I have attached the Archbishop's pastoral letter for those who would like to read it.

This is the week in which Lent begins. There will be a service of Holy Communion with the Imposition of Ashes at 10.30 at Lynton on Wednesday 2nd. The Mission Community Lent Group begins at the Rectory at 5pm Monday 7th March.This week we are also hosting the postponed Deanery Synod AGM: Thursday 3rd March 7pm St Mary's Lynton. Currently we have very few elected representatives on the Deanery Synod and that is something it would be good to change so that we have full participation in the most local consultative body of the Church of England at a time when the Church is needing to reflect on the impact of the last two years. Coming as an observer to the meeting would give anyone interested in this role a taste of its function, and the Rural Dean's aspirations for it to be of support to our Mission Communities across the area. The Archdeacon's visit to the Deanery has also been postponed to the summer meeting.

Because of considerations of privacy, it is rare for me to use this letter to pass on news personal to church members, but I have been asked by the family of Jenny Robinson, as was her wish, to announce that she has died. Jenny and Tim were supporters of a number of our churches across the Mission Community and area and she was keen that those with whom she had prayed and worshipped knew of her death, so we would be grateful for this to be shared with as many who knew her as possible. We commend Jenny to God, and pray for Tim and their children as they mourn. Thank you to all who have been dealing with incoming calls and emails during my few days break. If you have emailed in this time it may take me a little while to respond, so if a response is urgent it may be a good idea to email me or call me now I am back.

God bless
