Invitation to Deanery Synod AGM

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar
Dear Friends,

I am forwarding to everyone this invitation from the Rural Dean and Lay Chair of the Deanery Synod (apologies to those of you who receive these emails in distant places!). I also appreciate that it is quite last minute, but as we have been able to find very few Deanery reps across the Mission Comminity I would encourage anyone who is interested and able to hear the Archdeacon speak to us, and to have an opportunity to meet her to consider coming - I've managed to bring the Deanery Synod as close to us all as possible - at St Mary's!

all best


Our deanery synod AGM is on Thursday 17th February (this Thursday) and will start at 7pm. It is to be held at St. Mary's Church in Lynton. Parking is available in the nearby public car park.
We will be welcoming Archdeacon Verena to speak to us, and this will be followed by small group discussion.
All members of our congregations are welcome to attend, and we would encourage every church to find someone to represent them if it is possible. While anyone can attend, only elected representatives will be able to vote for the items which are part of our AGM meeting.
We will take care to maintain social distancing, and encourage masks to be worn for anyone who can.
Papers for the AGM will be sent to deanery synod reps very soon, watch this space.
Many thanks, Rosie


Revd Preb Rosie Austin

Team Rector, Shirwell Mission Community