Welcome to Rev'd Miles


The service took place for the inauguration of Rev'd Miles Welborn as the Rector for the Lyn Valley Mission and Rev'd Katherine Welborn van Santen as assistant curate for the Shirwell Mission Community, with Right Rev'd Jackie Searle, Bishop of Crediton officiating. The procession entered the church with visiting clergy, the curate and incumbent designate, the acting Rural Dean, the Archdeacon, churchwardens and the Bishop to the accompaniment of the processional hymn, Praise My Soul the King of Heaven. 

The Bishop welcomed the congregation before the Presentation when Miles proclaimed that he had been called by God to serve as Rector and the assembled congregation responded that they will welcome Miles in this role. The sermon was delivered by Rev'd Vereena Breed, Archdeacon of Barnstaple. In the Declaration of Oaths, Miles and Katie declared their assent to Christian Faith, their allegiance to the King and obedience to the Bishop of Exeter. 

Following the Licensing and Induction and Installation, Rev'd Miles announced his first duty was to announce forthcoming services and invite all to attend. The Bishop presented the incumbent to the congregation who welcomed him including individual welcomes from representatives of the local community, the Mayor, the County Councillor, the Head Teacher of West Exmoor Federation and a member of the Coast Guard representing emergency services. The Shirwell Mission Community Choir sang Look to the World by John Rutter. Following prayers of Intercession, congregation joined in with speaking The Lord's Prayer. At the Sending Out, procession left the church to gather in the churchyard for photos and a chat before refreshments inside the church.