St Brendan

Dear Church Visitor,

While there is a vacancy and no resident minister in the Lyn Mission, every effort will be made to maintain the usual rota of services but there may be occasional gap. Please see here for latest updates. In the meantime enquiries about  the church should be sent to the Lyn Mission administrator, Sam White, [email protected]. The Diocesan procedure and contacts for safeguarding has recently changed. You can find the information here.

You can find the latest Mission Community Newsletter in the News and Notices menu under Notice Sheets.

Get in touch

Sam White, Lyn Mission Administrator, email - [email protected]

What's on

Evening Epilogue

Every Sunday at for 30 mins
St John the Evangelist, Countisbury
St John the Evangelist, Countisbury

These services take place over the summer, each week until the Autumn and last about half an hour with a different invited leader speaking each week, lay or ordained and lead a service on a theme of their own choosing.
Traditionally the Epilogues were followed by a drink at the Blue Ball and may well happen again this year. Everyone is very welcome.

The service took place for the inauguration of Rev'd Miles Welborn as the Rector for the Lyn Valley Mission and Rev'd Katherine Welborn van Santen as assistant curate for the Shirwell Mission Community.
