Dear Friends,
I am sending out the sermon and liturgy for Sunday early this week. That is because it is a celebration of Ascension which actually falls today and those who are not able to come to the Sunday service may like to mark it now.


Dear Friends,
As I have been reflecting on Rogation-tide it struck me how lovely it would be if across the Mission Community we could revive the traditional agricultural festivals that enable us to celebrate the beauty of our environment

Church_news From_the_Vicar

Dear Friends,

As we reach the Sunday before Ascension, we enter the traditional agricultural festival of Rogation, a time when we are encouraged to pray for the land and see for those who work to harvest from it for us.

Church_news From_the_Vicar

Dear friends,

As we travel deeper into the Easter mystery in these last weeks of the Eastertide, we are offered the images that Jesus gives us for himself,
