Our Vicar's Message for the third Sunday before Lent

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Lent From_the_Vicar

Dear Friends,

As the title for the Sunday indicates, now we turn towards preparing for Lent, which begins on 22nd February this year. In this week's gospel we get a sense of why our giving time to deepening our faith and discipleship is important to Jesus. His message today is that God invests in us as those who bring the qualities of God, godliness, to life in the world. Each of us has a particular way of helping others see the God who loves us all: a particular flavour to offer, a particular light to shine. We don't have to do it all - just offer our own gifts (which very often others value more than we can see) in our own way with integrity.

My sermon this week was prompted by some reflections from a meditation on the gospel passage offered from the "Imagine" channel on Youtube (offering prayer in the Ignatian tradition). If you would like to explore this further, here is the link:


God bless
