Our Vicar's Message for Candlemas

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Dear Friends,

This weekend we are celebrating the feast of the Presentation of Christ, traditionally known as Candlemas. By date it falls on 2nd February but as with some other feasts we are able to move it to a Sunday to celebrate it more fully.

The gospel account tells us of the |Holy Family meeting the prophets Simeon and Anna, prophets in the Temple at Jerusalem, who recognise in this tiny baby being dedicated to God, the fulfillment of God's promises. Simeon calls him the light to the nations and the glory of God's people Israel.

The one who reveals God's love for all people.

It is deeply poignant that our reading takes us to the heart of Jerusalem, where the faithful Anna and Simeon are waiting for God's consoling of their community, at a weekend when the "Holy City", the "Holy Land" is once more in the news as a place where there is still deep pain. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and that the light of peace may shine once more in all the places of war and division in this world.

The feast of Candlemas marks the end of the Epiphany season and turns us towards preparation for Lent and Easter. It is a good time for me to ask people to bring back Palm Crosses to church over the next couple of weeks in preparation for creating the ashes we will use for Ash Wednesday (Feb 22nd). Also to give advance notice that I will be running a Lent Group on most of the Mondays of Lent at 3.30pm based at the Rectory - more details to come.

God bless
