Dear Friends,
We have travelled through another Advent season which has brought unexpected pauses and the disruption of our best laid plans. Across our country now there are signs of strain and for so many people all that is not easy in life is at the forefront of their minds. In our world extremes of weather and the hostility of war make the headlines
Yet, today is Christmas Eve. Across the world today and tomorrow people will still gather to pause and hear of the birth of a baby in a time of strain and challenge, in a nation under oppression; to pause at the image of a small family gathering visiting strangers; to pause perhaps long to hear that this birth is greeted in heaven by a chorus of heavenly joy, divine joy: the gift of God's son to offer love's healing in the world.
I pray that as we pause, at home or in church to listen to the love song of the angels, our celebration of Christmas will renew our trust that love is stronger than all that opposes it, and that in the love of God, given to us in the birth of a child, lies the hope for a better world.
May the joy of the angels
The eagerness of the shepherds
The perseverance of the wise men
The obedience of Mary and Joseph,
And the peace of the Christ child be yours this Christmas
May you know in your hearts, the love that comes down for you at Christmas
God bless, Happy Christmas,
Thank you for all your Chritsmas greetings and cards.
I hope to see many of you at our services, and hold those of you I won't see in my prayers.
Christmas Eve
12 noon - 1pm St Mary's Lynton: informal time to light a candle and give thanks for those who have gone before us
3pm St Mary's Lynton Candles at the Crib
4pm Lee Abbey Nativity on the Farm
11.30pm St John's Lynmouth Midnight Mass
Christmas Day
9am Christchurch Parracombe Christmas Communion
11am Christmas Communion St Mary's Lynton Christmas Communion.