Vicar's Newsletter for the week of Candlemas

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Dear Friends,

Happy Candlemas! This weekend we are transferring the feast of the Presentation of Christ (also known as Candlemas) to the Sunday closest to the 2nd of February on which the feast falls. This is the feast that brings our celebration of Christmas and Epiphany to a close and prepares us to look forward toward Lent and Easter. Through the weeks of Epiphany we have been invited to let the particular events that reveal who Jesus is deepen our understanding of his call in our lives, so that, perhaps like Simeon and Anna in the Candlemas gospel we can recognise his light in our live and the hope he brings for all peoples. It is in the strength and assurance of that hope we are able to make a fruitful journey through Lent towards Easter once again this year.

As I am sure you are aware, during last week the Plan B cautions around Covid 19 were lifted. The Church of England continues to encourage local decisions to be made about how we shape our life of worship together at this time, with continued guidance that groups gathering need to be cautious. The final responsibility for these decisions continues to rest with the incumbent (that’s me!)Currently, in line with many shops and businesses and other Anglican churches in the area I believe it is wise to continue to ask people to use face coverings whilst in church, but I think it is good for us to be able to share refreshments after services where that is usual and if people are comfortable staying for them. Future plans will be on the agenda for all PCC meetings to come.

God bless


Sunday 30th January

11am Lynton Holy Communion for Candlemas

Sunday 6th February

9am Parracombe Holy Communion

11am Lynton Holy Communion

3pm Barbrook Holy Communion