Facilities and features


There are no toilets in the church. There are toilets in the bus waiting room on the opposite side of the road including disabled access.

There is a small layby opposite the church but it may be already fully occupied. You can park along the road side but please pull well in and do not cause obstruction.

There is no toilet in the church but there is one on the opposite side of the road in the waiting room / information centre.

There is a defibrillator in the decommisioned telephone quiosk on the opposite side of the road. (richer.shielding.dumps) What Three Words

Our Building

The nearest warm space is the Jubilee Room in Lynton Town Hall. It is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10am until 1pm. Refreshments are available and the ability to chat and play board games.

Listed Building

Music and Worship

Groups, Courses and Activities

Help for Visitors

There is a very good shop which is part of Barbrook garage on the opposite side of the road.

Other Features