Community Coffee Morning

for 1 hour
Parracombe Pavillion Café
Parracombe Pavillion Café

The Community Coffee morning with Dave Wilde and Phil Coole will be in Parracombe Pavillion Café. There will be discussion and planning for the May Day Fun Day. Please contact Dave or Phil if you need transport to get to the meeting.

Photo Tripadvisor

St Mary the Virgin

Welcome to St Mary the Virgin Lynton. One of the churches of the Lyn Valley Mission Community, eight rural churches in the very north of Devon where Exmoor meets the sea. Our usual, main Sunday service is Holy Communion at 11.00am, where everyone is welcome. The service is followed by a gathering for coffee where we look forward to meeting you. 

If you are on holiday and visiting the area, you will be very welcome to join any of our services while you are staying here.

You can read the latest Lyn Mission monthly newsletter in the News and Notices tab under Notice sheets.

Get in touch

Reverend Miles Welborn

The Rectory, 20 Lee Road, Lynton,

EX35 6BP
Rector - Miles Welborn
07919 663 680
Churchwarden - Vivien Thomas
01598 752084
What's on

Community Coffee Morning

for 1 hour
Parracombe Pavillion Café
Parracombe Pavillion Café

The Community Coffee morning with Dave Wilde and Phil Coole will be in Parracombe Pavillion Café. There will be discussion and planning for the May Day Fun Day. Please contact Dave or Phil if you need transport to get to the meeting.

Photo Tripadvisor


If you have a concern about the safety of someone or the actions of someone working with children or vulnerable adults, please speak to someone:

Please click below for the Parish Safeguarding Representative Contact details.

If you are a young person and you feel unhappy about something happening to you, you can call Childline on 0800 11 11

Please click here for the Parish Safeguarding Representative Contact details