Morning Prayers

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday at for 1 hour
St Mary the Virgin
St Mary the Virgin, the Parish Church of Lynton Church Hill Lynton North Devon, EX35 6ED, United Kingdom

Reverend Miles will be in St Mary’s for Morning Prayer at 09.30am most Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s. All are welcome to join him for prayer or conversation

Community Coffee Morning

for 1 hour
The Greenhouse, Lee Road, Lynton
The Greenhouse, Lee Road, Lynton

The Community coffee morning for the fourth Saturday will be in the Greenhouse, Lynton. Please contact Dave Wilde or Phil Coole if you need help with transport.

Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary the Virgin
St Mary the Virgin, St Mary the Virgin, the Parish Church of Lynton Church Hill Lynton North Devon, EX35 6ED, United Kingdom

Every Sunday at 11.00am.

There will not be a Communion on Sunday 23rd June, there is self-led Morning Worship

Evening Epilogue

Every Sunday at for 30 mins
St John the Evangelist, Countisbury
St John the Evangelist, Countisbury

These services take place over the summer, each week until the Autumn and last about half an hour with a different invited leader speaking each week, lay or ordained and lead a service on a theme of their own choosing.
Traditionally the Epilogues were followed by a drink at the Blue Ball and may well happen again this year. Everyone is very welcome.