Holsworthy Church Bells Restoration Project

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The bells were recast in 1949 by Gillett and Johnson, bellhangers of Croydon. (As shown in the accompanying photo) At the same time the clock was restored and a bespoke Carrillon was installed.

Great care has been taken over the years to maintain the apparatus and bells.

However, time has taken its toll. Both the clock and Carillon need attention and likewise the bells need repairs to be undertaken.

(A little history of the clock and carillon.

The clock is made up of two movements, the time & strike movement, which drives

the single dial with a single four-legged gravity escapement with pendulum action,

this was made by Joyce of Whitchurch, Shropshire in 1869.

The Westminster quarters were added in 1873)

Unfortunately, the clock and carillon have not been working for over 18 months and we are extremely fortunate that a generous benefactor has gifted sufficient money for a complete restoration. The work will be undertaken by Cumbria Clocks (who recently completed the restoration of the clock on Big Ben) and work will commence in November 2024. It is hoped that it will be completed by Spring 2025.

Turning to the bells. A recent inspection has been completed by John Taylor & Co, Bellhangers of Loughborough who have identified that the clappers need to be replaced, together with the crown staples. The main bearings and main gudgeons need to be inspected and replaced.

This work needs to be completed to ensure that the ringing tradition at Holsworthy is able to continue.

The cost for this work is £20,000 and we are now in the process of seeking and gathering voluntary contributions by engaging individuals, events and charitable foundations to raise sufficient money to complete the work as soon as possible.

We would be very grateful if you are able to help financially towards our project.

You can donate using the JustGiving link on the poster, download the poster using the link at the top right of this page and then, scan the QR code with your mobile.

You can also donate by cheque, cash or by using the card reader in the Church. (If you donate using the card reader, can you please ensure that you advise Angela Blackman or Helen Flaherty to ensure the monies are allocated to the correct fund).

Please note the following fundraising events. We will be grateful if you are able to support us:

26/10/2024 – Chapel Coffee Morning 10.00am to 12:00 noon, Bodmin Street.

March 2025 - Holsworthy Golf Club Bingo

28/5/2025 - Holsworthy Memorial Hall Coffee Morning

3/9/2025 - Holsworthy Memorial Hall Coffee Morning

May 2025 - Cider and Pasty Farm Walk