Safeguarding training
- Occurring
- for 1 hour, 30 mins
- Venue
- St Peter
- Address B3233 Fremington Barnstaple, EX31 3BU, United Kingdom
Basic Awareness and Foundation courses can be completed by any member of the congregation to support raising awareness of safeguarding and a culture of support and vigilance in the Church, especially anyone who works with children/adults at risk whether in a paid or volunteer role. It is particularly recommended that they are completed by those in the following roles:
Administrative Staff
Choir/Music Group Members
Church Operations Managers
Flower Arrangers
PCC Members
Refreshment Helpers
Shop Staff
Sound/ AVTechnicians
The Safeguarding Basic Awareness course takes approximately 75 minutes to complete.
Safeguarding Foundation training takes approximately two hours to complete and is required for anyone with safeguarding responsibilities/contact with children and/or adults at risk. It should be completed by everyone required to take Safeguarding Basic Awareness.
Both Basic and Foundation training need to be taken every three years.
(The face to face course, which Trudy is providing, has both 'basic & foundation' and takes around 1 hour and half.)