Reflection for 13th January 2025 from Paul SmithMark 1:16-20As Jesus walked along the shore of Lake Galilee, he saw two fishermen, Simon and his brother Andrew, catching fish with a net. Jesus said to them, “Come with me and I will teach you to catch men.” At once they left their nets and went with him.He went a little farther on and saw two other brothers, James and John, the sons of Zebedee. They were in their boat, getting their nets ready. As soon as Jesus saw them, he called them; they left their father, Zebedee, in the boat with the hired men, and went with Jesus.From the Good News Bible published by the Bible Societies and HarperCollins Publishers, © American Bible Society 1994, used with permission.Reflection.Jesus is on the shore of the Big Lake. This shore-line is a bit like a town square or market place because it was where everybody gathered. This was how people kept in touch with each other then. We don’t need to do this sort of thing now because we have so many other ways of keeping in touch. Today Jesus would be seen on TV or Twitter etc.At this gathering place Jesus says, “Now is the time!” God is here! Waiting to connect with you.This is what happened to the two fishermen, Peter and Andrew.They met Jesus, didn’t hang back (This shows the sort of people they were), said “yes” and became disciples. I don’t suppose they gave up fishing, and they were still very much part of their families, but also they opened themselves to a friendship with Jesus.Notice that Jesus wasn’t especially polite - he just got on with it and didn’t wait until they had cleared up.And you and me?There is no right time.We too could be in the middle of something – either good and beneficial -or awful and catastrophic – when Jesus makes himself known to us in some way, whatever we are doing. So don’t put off saying yes.They were mending their nets, What are you doing?NB……...It’s a New Year.God says: “Do not be afraid for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name, you are mine. The peace of the Lord be always with you.Collect for Hilary of Poitiers Everlasting God, whose servant Hilary steadfastly confessed your Son Jesus Christ to be both human and divine: grant us his gentle courtesy to bring to all the message of redemption in the incarnate Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Common Worship: Collects and Post Communions, material from which is included here, is copyright © The Archbishops' Council 2000
2nd December Wayfarers 2pm –4pm Holy Trinity 7th December Christingle making 10am-12md St Mary’s Civic Carol Service 3pm St Margaret’s Advent Quiet Day 10am—3pm Broadwoodkelly Village Hall 8th December Christingle 3pm St Mary’s Appledore Singers Christmas Concert 2.30pm at Northam Hall 10th December Christmas Tree decorating St Margaret’s 11th –4th January Christmas Tree Festival St Margaret’s 14th December Coffee & Cake The Royal, Appledore 15th December Candlelight Carol Concert with the Appledore Band At 3pm Holy Trinity 18th December Christmas Recital 7pm St Margaret’s 22nd December Carol Service 6pm St Margaret’s Abbotsham Village Carol Service 6pm Baptist Chapel 23rd December Appledore Torchlight Procession 6.45pm from Pit Hill, 7pm St Mary’s 24th December Christmas Eve Carol Service 3pm Holy Trinity Crib Service 3pm St Mary’s Crib Service 4.30pm St Margaret’s Midnight Holy Communion 11.30pm At St Mary’s, St Helen’s, and St Margaret’s 25th December Christmas Day Holy Communion Holy Trinity 10.30am St Mary’s 10.30am St Margaret’s 10am Community Christmas Lunch 12md-3pm St Margaret’s School Northam
The repairs to the bell tower of the church started in March and work is progressing well.Once the repairs have been done the bells will be able to be rung again; we still need to raise money to complete the job, though, so any contributions to this will be welcome.