Facilities and features


Toilet facilities are available next door in the Village Hall.

Baby changing facilities are available next door in the Village Hall.

There are some parking spaces available on the main road outside the church.

There us is an accessible toilet available next door in the Village Hall.

The nearest defibrillator it outside the Chichester Arms.

There is a ramped entrance next to the Village Hall. There is level access to the church through the west door at the rear.

A hearing loop is available at all of our serbices.

Large print service sheets and hymn books are available.

There is wheelchair access to via the west door at the rear of the building.

Our Building

The church is open for individual prayer every day usually between 10 and 4, but there may be other activities taking place in the building while you visit.

Stained Glass

The church is Grade I listed.

Music and Worship

Bell Ringing

Groups, Courses and Activities

Help for Visitors

Church Open

Other Features

In the porch there is a community larder where you can take what you need or leave what you like.