Our priority is that EVERYONE feels safe in our Church. We have a full policy statement you can read by clicking on the link below. If you have a concern about the safety of someone or the actions of someone working with children or vulnerable adults, please speak to someone. The Churchwarden, adult safeguarding officer and safeguarding officer for children are the primary people responsible for safeguarding in our Church. You can speak with them, in confidence, if you have concerns. Look for them in Church or contact them as follows:
Churchwarden: Lindsey Lindley
Contact: 01548 842330
Email: [email protected]
Adult safeguarding officer: Lindsey Lindley
Contact: 01548 842330
Email: [email protected]
Children safeguarding officer: Andy McMullin
Contact: 01548 842330
Email: [email protected]
You can contact the Diocese of Exeter Safeguarding Team at https://exeter.anglican.org/resources/safeguarding/safeguarding-team/
If you are a young person and you feel unhappy about something happening to you, you can call Childline on 0800 11 11.