Facilities and features


This is located in the car park

Car Park / Parking Available
Accessible car parking

We have a mobile ramp which can be put out when needed. The church has one small step into the porch otherwise flat access and space foo wheel chairs. Holy Communion can be brough to people in situ

Our Building

10am till dusk

Stained Glass

Grade 2*

Music and Worship

Contact Malcolm Purcell: [email protected]

Follow Cantemos Choir
Cloud 9 Quartet


1662 Holy Communion on 3rd Sundays at 10.30

Groups, Courses and Activities

Help for Visitors

Children's Quiz

10am till dusk

Dogs welcome at all our services

Other Features

Small food bank with information about the main one.
Foo collection Collection for refugee support

Contact the Church warden Sue Robertson: [email protected]