Parish and Priory Church of St Mary the Virgin

St Mary’s is a significant landmark here in Totnes with its red tower and defining pinnacles that reach high above the neighbouring buildings. It’s a visual delight for lovers of architecture, photography and history, but also for all that live here and for those who visit the town each year.

Inside, St Mary’s really leaves its mark on those who pass through the doors. This space of purpose is where history, music and the sacred entwine. You can feel it when you step inside. The church has witnessed many challenges and has stood through massive social upheavals. 

Today, as the times change again, St Mary's remains a place for sanctuary, wisdom and learning, for all that is most profound in the human spirit. This remains the principal function of the building and needs to be protected. Christian congregations worship here but our doors and hearts are open to other faiths and many individuals come to pray, light candles and just sit in stillness and silence.

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The Revd Jim Barlow

The Rectory

Totnes Team Rector

Our website

What's on

Silence and Morning Office

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Parish and Priory Church of St Mary the Virgin
Totnes, TQ9 5NN, United Kingdom

Sunday worship at St Mary's begins with the Angelus prayer, reliving the annunciation by the archangel Gabriel to Mary. This is followed by half an hour of silent meditation, and then the office of morning prayer is said at 7.30am, with plainchant psalms and hymns.

An opportunity to enter into the depth and stillness of the sanctuary and to flow with the thousand-year-old stream of chant and prayer on this site.

Check official Website for any changes

St Mary's has some great challenges ahead like making the building more sustainable, comfortable and accessible and easier to engage with for all. And we know with your support, we can do it!

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Parish and Priory Church of St Mary the Virgin Charity No. 1128123