Everyday faith
We want to support you as you seek to find and follow God in your everyday life. We gather on Sundays but most of us spend most of our time at work, at home, pursuing our hobbies and with our friends or family. Here you will find a story of how one person lives out their faith in their daily life, information about local gatherings and groups and links to digital journeys that people in our community are participating in online.
A story of everyday faith
What does everyday faith look like? Hear one person's story of how their faith impacts their daily life.
How we support you
Diptford has an active community during the month we have groups such as:
Toddler Group in the Parish Hall on Tuesdays during term time
Advent and Lent Study Groups which meet online
Brick Church every 1st Sunday at 4.30pm
Diptford Fete is usually held in June or July
Flower Arrangers
Handbell Ringers group
Other village groups include:
FODS - Parents group for the school offers events and fundraisers
Ladybirds - womens group meet on 2nd Monday in the Parish Hall
Short Mat Bowls meets every Wednesday 7pm- 9pm in the Parish Hall
Exercise classes meet at Holsome Farm, Diptford
Diptford Horse Show
To find out more about how we can support you contact:
Revd David Sayle at [email protected]
What you can do
Through the Everyday Faith portal, the Church of England offers a range of reflections and prayer journeys to help people find and follow God in their daily life.
Shining as Lights
This journey explores what it means to be a Light for Christ in our everyday life and how developing our own ‘Rule of Life’ can help this.
Sign up and exploreEnvironment and Climate Justice
See how environment and climate justice are part of our faith and explore some actions you can take to become part of a movement for change.
ViewGod on Monday
Start your working week by thinking through where God is at work, in your work. Weekly reflections on the lectionary readings.
ViewFaith in a Conflicted World
Across 5 films and written reflections, Archbishop Justin Welby explores three habits based on the life and ministry of Jesus: be present, be curious, and reimagine.