Three new bells arrive in Kingswear!

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Come and see the arrival of the new bells donated by people of Kingswear!

They arrive at Kingswear Train Station from the Taylors Bell Foundry

by steam train on Sunday 15th September 2024 at 2.35pm

From 4pm that day they will be on display in the side chapel at St Thomas of Canterbury Church for a couple of days until they are installed in the bell tower.

Church will be open until 7pm on Sunday 15th, from 9am- 7pm on Monday 16th and 9am-3pm on Tuesday 17th September

All welcome to drop in and see the bells and find out more.

Test ringing of the bells is expected during that week. The new bells are the Platinum Jubilee Bell, the Kingswear-Kittery Coronation Bell and the Thomas Lewis Memorial Peace Bell.

In 1939 work to add three more bells to the existing three in the church tower was stopped by the outbreak of war… at

6pm on Thursday 8th May 2025, 80 years after the end of WWII,

the Bishop of Plymouth will dedicate the new bells

at a special village celebration event – save the date in your diary!