For more information - links to us on other websites

St Mary's Church • Belstone (  This is our main village website where St Mary's Church has a page.  Here you can see what else is going on, and see the life of the church in context.

Belstone St Mary the Virgin | National Churches Trust  If you love churches and want to know more detail about the building's key features and why they are so important, head here for a mine of information.

Home - Northmoor Team Ministry  Our parish is part of the Northmoor Team Ministry - a group of 13 parishes who work together to bring the love of God, the hospitality of Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit to our communities.

Welcome to the Church of England in Devon - Diocese of Exeter (  We are part of the Diocese of Exeter in the Church of England, and the diocesan web page has lots of information and key contacts.

Home | The Church of England  This is the main Church of England website. Here you can find a wide range of information, such as how to get married in church, help with planning funerals, and what the church can offer you in general.