The Second Sunday of Lent - 16th March 2025

for 23 hours, 45 mins
All Saints' Okehampton Parish Church
Okehampton, EX20 1LE, United Kingdom
St Petroc's Inwardleigh
Inwardleigh Okehampton, EX20 3AN, United Kingdom
St Mary's Belstone
Belstone Okehampton Devon, EX20 1QZ, United Kingdom

The Northmoor Okehampton Group of Churches have the following Sunday services today:
9.30am Holy Communion at St Petroc's Church, Inwardleigh (service led by Rev Canon Tim Newcombe)
9.30am Traditional Morning Prayer at St Mary's Church, Belstone (service led by Churchwarden Michael Ash)
11am Holy Communion at All Saints' Church, Okehampton (service led by Rev John Hall)
All are welcome.

Sunday Holy Communion

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints' Okehampton Parish Church
Okehampton, EX20 1LE, United Kingdom

The main Sunday morning service at All Saints. All are welcome to Holy Communion or a Prayer of Blessing if you prefer. Gluten-free wafers available on request. Children's activities, also a soft play area. The church has a wheelchair-accessible toilet and excellent parking. Free refreshments after the service.

Tuesday evening Lent Course: Living Hope

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
30 Leeze Park
Okehampton, EX20 1EE, United Kingdom

Running on Tuesdays, usually at Nan & Phil's house, 30 Leeze Park, Okehampton (call/message Pete on 07775 878343 to book). The first session on Tuesday 11th March is at Pete & Val's house, 111a Station Rd, Okehampton. You might like to buy the book £2.50 or simply download the app (search Living Hope) or sign up for the free daily Lent reflection emails here: There is everything you need, plus good company and refreshments.

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Voice for Life

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
All Saints' Okehampton Parish Church
Okehampton, EX20 1LE, United Kingdom

All Saints is currently offering FREE tuition in music and singing through the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) Voice for Life scheme. This is generally for young people aged 7 and upwards, who have the opportunity to collect Awards. Singing is much more than that though - this is very much about human flourishing, and the benefits of helping young people find their own voice, learn to 'breathe' well, and have the enjoyment of singing in a mixed choir, in a sacred space with fabulous acoustics! Please contact our friendly Director of Music, Stuart Payne, on 07957 422487 or email [email protected], for more info, or turn up on a Wednesday evening.

Sticklepath Coffee Morning

Every Thursday at for 2 hours
Sticklepath Village Hall
Sticklepath, Okehampton, EX20 2NL

Every Wednesday in the Village Hall from 9.30-11.30. The mobile Post Office is there too. Come and enjoy a relaxed conversation and tasty bakes with welcoming members of the local community.

Thursday Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)

Every Thursday at for 30 mins
St James' Chapel
St James' Chapel, Fore Street, Okehampton, EX20 1DL

All are welcome to this quiet service of Holy Communion held in St James' Chapel every Thursday morning at 10am. Gluten free wafers available. Easy-to-follow service sheets. Ramped access on request.

Belstone Coffee Morning

Every Thursday at for 2 hours
Belstone Village Hall
Belstone, Okehampton, EX20 1RD

Every Thursday from 10-12noon in the Village Hall. Come and enjoy what might be the most delicious cakes at any coffee morning! It a relaxed time for a community chat and all are welcome (including wet and muddy hikers in need of a hot drink and something sweet).

Okehampton Lent Lunches

Every Thursday at for 1 hour
All Saints' Church Hall
Market Street, Okehampton,, EX20 1HN, United Kingdom

Every Thursday at 12noon in the Church Hall, Market Street, Okehampton. No booking necessary - just turn up. Free to all, but donations to support the work of Christian Aid in addressing poverty and injustice are very welcome.

Monday Lent Course: Living Hope

Every Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
2 Church Path
Okehampton, EX20 1LW, United Kingdom

Running on Mondays at 10.30am at Sara & John's house (call/message Sara on 07505 272061 to book). You might like to buy the book £2.50 or simply download the app (search Living Hope) or sign up for the free daily Lent reflection emails here: There is everything you need, plus good company and refreshments.

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Brick Church

Monthly. Every Last Saturday at for 1 hour
Church Hall
Church Hall, Market Street Okehampton

A fun event for all ages. Loads of Lego, snacks, a Bible story and some prayers. This idea began in Okehampton and has been copied in many other places.

Café Church for all ages

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 45 mins
All Saints' Church Hall
All Saints' Church Hall, 4 Market Street, Okehampton, EX20 1HN. (next to Co-op Car Park), EX20 1HN

Only on the first Sunday of each month: Grab a cuppa and a cake, join some other folk at a table, and relax... it's Sunday.

Evening Eucharist

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints' Okehampton Parish Church
Okehampton, EX20 1LE, United Kingdom

On the first Sunday evening of each month we have a service of Holy Communion. The style alternates between traditional Book of Common Prayer, Taize and Iona styles, and modern language Common Worship or we mark special days in the calendar. More details about specific Sundays are posted nearer the time on A Church Near You or social media (see All Saints Church Okehampton or Okehampton Information Hub).

Who Let The Dads Out

Monthly. Every Second Saturday at for 2 hours
All Saints' Okehampton Parish Church
Okehampton, EX20 1LE, United Kingdom

A group for Dads and male carers to come with their children and meet together for fun (and lots of bacon rolls!). Find us on facebook Okehampton Who Let The Dads Out for further info. £5 per family.

Doesn’t meet August and December.