About Us
All are welcome - that's our motto. We're known as "The Church on the Hill". Okehampton town centre is in a dip, with the town going up gentle hills on the East and West, and All Saints' Church is on the Western hill which has been a sacred space for over 1000 years - and you can feel it. We have many walkers who sit and rest.
That is not 'the church' though - the church is the people! As well as meeting on the hill, we meet in the Church Hall, in the centre of town, as well as in the main church building on the hill. Services are 11am every Sunday, mainly up at All Saints, but the 1st Sunday of each month we meet for Cafe Church in the Church Hall, Market Street. Church takes all forms though, and on the last Sunday of each month we hold Brick Church (which used to be known as Lego church).
Although the church is on the edge of the town we seek to be at the heart of the community and to serve it in the best way we can. We have an active social programme and are trying to expand the range of our activities. In the evening of the first Sunday, there is Holy Communion at 6.30pm, in a range of styles - traditional, modern language, Taize, Iona, etc. We try to offer a range of worship to suit all tastes from informal to formal, from modern to traditional. We are open to your ideas as we strive to continually improve in our service to God and the community.
Please do contact Ruth Cartlidge, our administrator, on [email protected] or call 07551 655424 or 01837 53364 for more information, or with enquiries about baptisms and weddings. All are welcome.