Facilities and features


Car Park / Parking Available

A defibrillator is attached to the wall of the church hall and is available 24/7

A ramp is available into the church, please speak to one of the stewards who will be available to assist

We have an induction loop in the church

Large Print

Our Building

The church is open for individual prayer Monday-Friday from around 9:00- 3:00 and on a Saturday morning 9:00-12:00.

We have a number of stained glass windows which cover a range of periods of history.

Music and Worship

Our 8 bells are chimed using a carillon.


On the 1st Sunday of the month we hold a communion service at 8:30pm using the Book of Common Prayer

Groups, Courses and Activities


St Peter's has a number of discipleship groups meeting at different times during the week.

Bus Stop Cafe meets every Thursday 9:30-11.00am in the church hall. This is a coffee morning open to all in the community.


The Diamond Club meets every first Thursday of the month 2pm to 4pm in the church hall. All are welcome to come along for a time of friendship, fun and chatter.

Hopscotch runs on a Wednesday 9:30am to 11:00am during term time in the church hall. Babies & children aged 0-3 along with parent/carers have the opportunity to play with the many toys, ride ons, be involved in craft and to sing.


Help for Visitors

We have a noticeboard in church which shows a short history of the church.

The church is open 9am to 3pm every weekday and most Saturday mornings.

Other Features

Audio-Visual Facilities

The hall can be hired both on a regular basis and for children's parties. See our calendar for availability: https://www.saintpeterschurch.org.uk/calendar/. For more details contact: [email protected].