Lent Quiet Morning

for 3 hours
St John's, Bishopsteignton
St John's, Bishopsteignton, St John's Church Church Road Bishopsteignton Exeter, TQ14 9QH, United Kingdom

All are welcome to this Quiet Morning led by Revd Jane & Richard Frost. There will be two talks and times for quiet reflection. Please book a place by contacting Richard at [email protected] or 01626 870288

St Peter the Apostle, Shaldon

St Peter's Church invites you to join us as we celebrate God's love revealed to us in Jesus Christ.

St Peter's Church in Shaldon is open every day of the year from 9.30 am to 4.00 pm.

Get in touch

Revd Carol Green

Team Rector
01626 775303
Mission Community Administrator
07494 222848

Our website

What's on

Lent Quiet Morning

for 3 hours
St John's, Bishopsteignton
St John's, Bishopsteignton, St John's Church Church Road Bishopsteignton Exeter, TQ14 9QH, United Kingdom

All are welcome to this Quiet Morning led by Revd Jane & Richard Frost. There will be two talks and times for quiet reflection. Please book a place by contacting Richard at [email protected] or 01626 870288


The Parochial Church Council is committed to the safeguarding of everybody, and especially to ensuring the safety and protection of all children and adults experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect - who are involved in any church activities.

The Safeguarding Lead for The Haldon Team is Susan Harvey and concerns can be notified to her on 01626 770627

Any matters of concern about a child or vulnerable adult should be always be reported. You can contact one of the agencies listed on the poster that can be downloaded from the link below.

The term safeguarding is used to define actions taken to protect and save vulnerable people and groups from harm. This may come from adults or other groups or other children.

A vulnerable adult is a person who may be unable to protect themselves or take care of themselves against harm, exploitation, neglect or abuse.

When safeguarding children - a child is anyone under the age of 18. Therefore safeguarding children is about protecting all those under 18 from harm, exploitation, neglect or abuse.

Schools, charities, hospitals and care homes, along with other sectors - including churches must all take responsibility to safeguard those around them.

If you have a concern about the safety of someone or the actions of someone working with children or vulnerable adults, please speak to someone:

The Safeguarding officer for St Peter's is:

Susan Harvey

Tel number: 01626 770627

Email: [email protected]