Facilities and features


Male, female and accessible toilets are located in the adjacent church hall.

Located in the accessible toilet in the adjacent church hall.

Car park adjacent to the church shared with the church hall users.

Located in the adjacent church hall.

Accessible car parking

Large print hymn book and service booklet available on request from the churchwarden or sidesperson on duty.

Dogs welcome - there is plenty of room for them to lie down between/under a pew during the services.

Our Building

Music and Worship

Relatively modern pipe organ built by Johnsons of Cambridge and extended and maintained by Michael Farley of Devon.

Book of Common Prayer Evensong is sung on selected First Sundays in the month.

Robed adult choir - new singers always welcome.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Bible Study groups meet generally during term times. Contact churchwardens for details.

A Sid Valley Mission Community initiative run by the Youth and Children's Minister and a team from All Saints Church, Sidmouth but utilising the facilities of the church hall.

Monthly meetings and corporate communion. Contact the churchwarden for more information.

Weekly session in the church hall during term time only. £1 per family per session contribution requested.

Help for Visitors

09:00-17:00 daily

Other Features

Monthly Fair Trade stall and Fair Trade tea, coffee and sugar used for refreshments.

Hall is managed by Sidmouth Town Band to whom all enquiries for hire should be directed. [email protected]