Facilities and features
Our modern toilet block contains gents, ladies and an accessible toilet with baby changing facilities.
There is limited on-street parking near the church. The nearest car park is the Bedford Lawn car park on the sea front. See Accessible Car Parking for more information.
Parking is available by permit outside the church in Church Street (3 spaces). For more information please contact the church.
A defibrillator is available in the Market Square about 50m from the church.
We have two entrances, both of which are level.
Large print hymn books and pew sheets are available on request to our Welcomers at the entrance.
Well-behaved dogs are welcome in church
Our Building
The church is open daily 9am - 5pm except when services or other events are in progress.
Bronze award in 2020. Our small team is currently working towards silver accreditation. We work with other churches, Sidmouth Science Festival and the Sidmouth Vision Group to make the church and town more sustainable.
Grade 2*
Music and Worship
We have a ring of 10 bells. Bellringing practice is usually on Tuesdays at 7:30pm.
We hold and host regular concerts throughout the year. The Sidmouth Music Society holds its winter season of 6 recitals in church. The ISCA orchestra uses the church as its primary concert venue.
The 4-manual organ has developed from one installed in 1892. It is now one of the finest in the southwest.
The 8am service on the 1st Sunday of the month uses BCP.
Our choir sings at the 10am service each Sunday.
Groups, Courses and Activities
The Friends of Sidmouth Parish Church hold a monthly coffee morning in church on the first Saturday of the month.
There are also Men's and Ladies' coffee groups of church members that meet in town.
GATEWAY is a service to those who are homeless or likely to become so. See https://www.sidvalley.org.uk/gateway.htm for more information
Our toddler group currently meets at All Saints Church
Help for Visitors
A range of leaflets describing aspects of the church and its history, priced at £1 each.
The Friends of Sidmouth Parish Church operate a small shop at the west end of the south aisle, offering cards and other gifts.
The church is normally open at least 9am - 5pm each day except when events and services are in progress.
Other Features
We use only Fairtrade produce for after-service refreshments.
We support the Sidmouth Food Bank. See http://www.sidvalleyfoodbank.org.uk/ for more details.
Apart from the summer holiday, when our team take a break, we broadcast our main Sunday service on YouTube. It can be reached through https://www.sidvalley.org.uk/sundaystreaming.htm
Sidmouth Town Centre, including the church, is a Conservation Area.