Clergy and Officers

<strong>Clergy and Officers</strong>

Assistant Priest: Rev. Richard Ford           020 8289 2432

Enquiries: Marriages, Baptisms, Funerals etc.,
Email: [email protected]

Organist: Mr G. Mussard 020 8650 8389

<span style="font-size:12px"><strong>Organisations at St Mary’s</strong></span>

Hall bookings: Mrs J. Greatorex   [email protected]

Brownies: Mrs S. Hann   020 8776 1385

Beavers:  Mr D. Tarrant  [email protected]


Mr D. Taylor:      01689 856512

Mrs G. Nortey: [email protected]


PCC Secretary Ms Julie Conway

Treasurer Mr. R. West 020 8776 0210

Church Flowers: Mrs. M. Womack 020 8777 8772

Bible Reading Fellowship: Mrs. M. Richards 020 8777 2754