About Us

Axmouth Church is part of the Axe Valley Mission Community (AVMC) a group of 8 local churches.

Axmouth Church seeks to be a blessing to the village of Axmouth and have an impact in the wider world.

We aim to do this through four areas:

1. Pastoral care – providing licensed and lay ministry, support and a listening ear for the bereaved, elderly, lonely and sick in our community.  We also run a weekly Wednesday Coffee Morning and monthly Friendship Lunches.

2. Our Website, Facebook page and Parish magazine – serving the community by providing a forum for communication for the whole village.

3. Making Waves – raising money to support Axmouth’s adopted charities: these are agreed annually by the PCC.

4. The Church Building – maintaining and developing this 11th Century building as a place of peace and prayer. The Friends of Axmouth Church are a group from the community who work tirelessly to raise funds for this.