Advent and Christmas

christmas Church_news Notices
Welcome back!

From 2 December the Government's three-tiered restrictions recommence, which means we will reopen for public worship from Wednesday. Exeter is in Tier 2. In Tiers 2 and 3 people may sit in household or support bubble groups. In Tier 1 you may sit in households or any group of six.

What's on this Advent and Christmas

Keeping Advent

Advent is a season of hope and expectation. We begin by focussing on Christ's Second Coming before moving on to remember the prophecies of his First Coming. 

Daily readings for Advent >>

Family activities >>


Christingle is a popular celebration of light coming into darkness. At this service we take a collection in aid of The Children's Society which supports vulnerable children. This service is ticketed to enable social distancing - but tickets are FREE and available online.</span>

Sunday, 6 December at 4 pm, at St Michael's

Order a ticket >>

Crib Service

The Heavitree Crib Service is a very popular way of beginning the Christmas celebration. To enable social distancing and more people to attend, the Crib Service will take place TWICE. Free tickets are available online. If you know someone who wants to come but does have internet access get in touch with them and see if you can order a ticket form them.

Christmas Eve, 4 pm and 6 pm, at St Michael's

Order a ticket >>

Christmas Day

Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without Christmas Day! Traditional services will be held in all our churches. No booking required.

St Michael's
23:30 Midnight Mass
08:00 Mass (said)
10:30 Mass with carols around the crib

St Lawrence's
23:30 Midnight Mass
10:30 Mass

St Mary Steps
09:30 Mass