Carol Singing in Alphington

for 5 days, 2 hours
Alphington Village
Alphington Village

Do you like singing Christmas Carols? If so why not join us on one or more of the dates below and bring some Christmas cheer into the world? Dates and locations are as follows:
Saturday 7th December, 2.30pm at Alphington Lodge Residential Home, 3.30 at Endeavour Residential Home
Tuesday 10th December 6pm onwards: Lucerne House Residential Home. 6.40pm: St Michael's Close. 7.15pm: New Inn Car Park. 8.15pm:The Village Hall
Thursday 12th December 6pm onwards. 6.30pm,Oak Ridge. 7.15pm, Arundel Close. 7.45pm, Myrtle Close. 8.00pm, Outside Spar Shop

There are forms in church to sign up for each of these sessions.

St Michael's Alphington

St Michael and All Angels Church, Alphington

You'll receive a warm welcome at St Michael's, the Parish Church of Alphington, Exeter.

Our mission statement "Knowing Jesus, Sharing Jesus" says exactly what we're all about: Living in relationship with our creator, and serving our community for the sake of Jesus. Our worship brings together the informality of modern life, and the rich traditions of the church through all the ages. We have all sorts of activities through the week, including a cafe, lunch club, memories afternoons and much more. Please do get in touch, or visit our website at If you're local or new to the area, come along at 11am on a Sunday and you'll receive a warm welcome

The parish of Alphington: St Michael & All Angels is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer(s), PSOs. The Diocese of Exeter’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our PSOs. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services.

Following the end of Lockdown, the Church is open for worship at our normal times. You are encouraged to attend, and act with suitable caution in light of the continuing presence of the coronavirus in our communities.

Get in touch

The Administrator

6 Lovelace Gardens

General enquiries
01392 491476

Our website

What's on

Carol Singing in Alphington

for 5 days, 2 hours
Alphington Village
Alphington Village

Do you like singing Christmas Carols? If so why not join us on one or more of the dates below and bring some Christmas cheer into the world? Dates and locations are as follows:
Saturday 7th December, 2.30pm at Alphington Lodge Residential Home, 3.30 at Endeavour Residential Home
Tuesday 10th December 6pm onwards: Lucerne House Residential Home. 6.40pm: St Michael's Close. 7.15pm: New Inn Car Park. 8.15pm:The Village Hall
Thursday 12th December 6pm onwards. 6.30pm,Oak Ridge. 7.15pm, Arundel Close. 7.45pm, Myrtle Close. 8.00pm, Outside Spar Shop

There are forms in church to sign up for each of these sessions.

St Michael's Alphington Charity No. 1200412