Parish Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Wandsworth Common, St Mary Magdalene
Trinity Road Wandsworth Common London, SW17 7HP, United Kingdom

Our main service with hymns, sermon, and choir as we share in the Holy Communion together. Followed by refreshments, it’s the perfect opportunity to meet with friends, neighbours, and fellow worshippers.

Children are very welcome to stay in church with parents. However at the 10am service there’s fun to be had at Junior Church (see details here).

Babies & Toddlers
If the service gets a ‘bit much’ for tiny church goers, there is a Parent and Child room where you can sit quietly with them and still hear the service.

Circle Time

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
Wandsworth Common, St Mary Magdalene
Trinity Road Wandsworth Common London, SW17 7HP, United Kingdom

Sessions take place in the main church building on Wednesday mornings from 9.30am - 10.15am. Each week, we enjoy nursery rhymes, musical instruments, story time, and a fun activity for little ones. It’s also a fantastic opportunity for parents and carers to connect.

Watch our short video to learn more:

For further information, feel free to email: [email protected]

Please note: children are to be supervised by their accompanying adults at all times.

Circle Time is generally in term time. Please check with the church office.

Midweek Eucharist with Coffee after the Service

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
Wandsworth Common, St Mary Magdalene
Trinity Road Wandsworth Common London, SW17 7HP, United Kingdom

A calm and relaxed communion service. Plus a chance to stay on for coffee and chat.

Maundy Thursday Supper

for 1 hour
Wandsworth Common, St Mary Magdalene
Trinity Road Wandsworth Common London, SW17 7HP, United Kingdom

Light supper served in the Parish Hall prior to the Maundy Thursday Service at 8pm

Maundy Thursday Service

for 1 hour, 30 mins
Wandsworth Common, St Mary Magdalene
Trinity Road Wandsworth Common London, SW17 7HP, United Kingdom

Eucharist Service with foot washing.