Quiet Prayer Time

Every First, Second, Fourth Wednesday at for 30 mins
Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary
1 Church Road, Lympstone, Exmouth, Devon, EX8 5JU, United Kingdom

Eacy session starts with a short passage of scripture, and a spiritual reflection, or poetry or music. This leads into a longer period of silent contemplative prayer (usually 15 - 20 minutes), which is brought to a close with the Lord's Prayer. No experience or expertise of meditative prayer necessary!

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Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary

We are a friendly, welcoming Church in the heart of Lympstone village, one of three Churches in the Mission Community of Littleham-cum-Exmouth with Lympstone. Sunday services are at 8.00 am for Morning Prayer and 9.30 am for Holy Communion. Twice a month we hold All Age family services at 9.30 am, with a worship band and activities for children. Check our website for dates of Family Holy Communion services and 8.00 am Holy Communion. The Church is open daily from 9.00 am to 6 pm. Visitors are always welcome. If you would like to find out more about Weddings, Baptisms or Funeral services, please contact the Mission Community Office on 01395 263681.

Get in touch

Team Rector Rev'd Steven Jones

Holy Trinity Church
Rolle Road

Team Rector
+44 (0)1395263681

Our website

What's on

Quiet Prayer Time

Every First, Second, Fourth Wednesday at for 30 mins
Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary
1 Church Road, Lympstone, Exmouth, Devon, EX8 5JU, United Kingdom

Eacy session starts with a short passage of scripture, and a spiritual reflection, or poetry or music. This leads into a longer period of silent contemplative prayer (usually 15 - 20 minutes), which is brought to a close with the Lord's Prayer. No experience or expertise of meditative prayer necessary!

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