Holy Trinity Coffee Bar

Every day at for 2 hours
Holy Trinity
Exmouth, EX8 2AB, United Kingdom

Our coffee bar is open daily from Monday to Saturday between 10 am and midday. A variety of Teas, coffee, hot chocolate and biscuits are always available, often supplemented with cakes and savouries at very reasonable prices (as attached).
Come along to this warm space, for friendly chat; or, as we are located right next to the Nave, you can go into the Church to sit in the quiet, light a candle in remembrance of a loved one or pray in private.
We serve Fairtrade refreshments.

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Occasionally closed on bank holidays. CLOSED 1st January


Every Tuesday at for 2 hours
St Margaret and St Andrews Church
Littleham Exmouth, EX8 2RF, United Kingdom

We shall start a new ALPHA course in January, at Littleham Leisure Centre.
Tuesday evenings from 7 pm
FREE bowl of soup and a delicious dessert
a film from the Alpha series

Explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment.


World Day of Prayer 2025

for 2 hours
Holy Trinity
Exmouth, EX8 2AB, United Kingdom

We invite you to join us in the World Day of Prayer. It is an adventure in prayer which begins each year in Samoa, on the International Date Line. Starting there a wave of prayer surrounds the whole world during a period of 24 hours. Do join us and let this worldwide act of prayer grab your imagination as we pray in Exmouth.

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Sung Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Holy Trinity
Exmouth, EX8 2AB, United Kingdom

We meet for Holy Communion every Sunday at 10.00 am. Our services are followed with Fellowship in the Hall upstairs where you can enjoy tea, coffee, biscuits and occasionally cake and wine! The second Sunday every month is a 'Family Communion' service, where children and families are encouraged to join us for an informal Family Eucharist.
Gluten free wafers available on request.
We are part of a Mission Community which serves the sea-side of Exmouth town centre, the villages of Littleham and Lympstone and surrounding areas. Being a “mission community” means we seek to follow the example of Jesus in his love for humanity.

COVID-19 National Day of Reflection

for 1 hour
Holy Trinity
Exmouth, EX8 2AB, United Kingdom

During the morning services at all 3 churches a two minute silence will be observed, a candle lit and prayers offered for those who were lost to the virus.
At 12 noon, after a minute of silence, a single bell will be tolled for two minutes
Later, our Churches will all open between 3 - 4 pm for anyone to come inside, light a candle, sit in quiet contemplation, or join prayers and reflections as we remember:
loved ones we lost, life events we missed
and the impact the pandemic had on our communities.

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Wednesday Eucharist - Common Worship

Monthly. Every Second Wednesday at for 30 mins
Holy Trinity
Exmouth, EX8 2AB, United Kingdom

Common Worship every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 11.30 am in the Lady Chapel.

Memory Cafe

Monthly. Every Second Thursday at for 2 hours
Holy Trinity
Exmouth, EX8 2AB, United Kingdom

A monthly meeting for those living with Dementia and their carers. Join us for activities, refreshments and sing-a-longs. Everyone is warmly welcomed.

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Hygge Home Church

Monthly. Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Holy Trinity
Exmouth, EX8 2AB, United Kingdom

Hygge is growing! We now meet twice a month :
1st Sunday of each month in term-time from 4 pm to 5.30 pm where we take over the whole Church for Worship with musical instruments and flags, crafts, discovery zone, play area for babies, a prayer tent, family lounge and we finish with a meal at the end.
3rd Sunday of each month in term-time from 4 - 5 pm. Hygge Hangout, an informal get-together in the Hall, with a bring and share meal.

The Exmouth Good Afternoon Choir

Every Tuesday at for 2 hours
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
Holy Trinity
Exmouth, EX8 2AB, United Kingdom

Starting on Tuesday 18th March 2025: An exciting new choir for everyone who enjoys singing; all ages, all abilities. Tuesday afternoons between 12.30 - 2.30 pm.

Every Tuesday during school term time

Wednesday Eucharist - BCP

Monthly. Every Fourth Wednesday at for 29 mins
Holy Trinity
Exmouth, EX8 2AB, United Kingdom

Book of Common Prayer every 4th Wednesday of the month at 11.30 am in the Lady Chapel.