Facilities and features
Disabled toilet on the ground floor
in the first floor ladies toilets. Lift access to first floor
Large parking area available for permit holders. All Church users can apply for a permit to park while they are using the Church. Permit Holders are advised of life events taking place inside the Church and asked to remove their vehicles while people attend those services (weddings, funerals and baptisms).
Ground floor accessible / disabled unisex toilet.
We can reserve parking spaces close to the entrance if required. Telephone 01395 263681 or email: [email protected]
Defibrillator located in the Narfex - the second foyer into the main Church. On the wall just outside the coffee bar.
Flat access from the car park through to the Church. Ramped access to the Lady Chapel
Several large print copies of service sheets and hymn books are available.
Assistance dogs, on a lead, are welcome.
Several helpers from our monthly 'Memory Cafe' are members of our congregation and are vigilant of any newcomers who may require assistance.
Our Rector and several members of our congregation are gluten intolerant, therefore we keep a selection of gluten free biscuits (and cakes for special occasions).
Our Building
The Church is open while the office is staffed; usually between 9 am and 2 pm weekdays (only 10 to 12 on Thursdays and Saturdays).
We have several beautiful stained glass windows. Our Church Guide has further information on these.
We have recently received a ROCHA bronze award (2023)
During the winter of 2022/2023 our coffee bar was a designated Warm Space through the local council's warm space
Music and Worship
Local choral groups and bands book the Church to hold concerts in the large space with great accoustics.
Groups, Courses and Activities
Tuesdays between 5.30 - 7.00pm during term time
Memory Cafe 3rd Friday every month between 11am and 1pm - an informal coffee morning with crafts for people with Alzheimers and dementia and their carers.
Monthly meetings
Bosom Buddies, a breast feeding support group, meet in the hall every Wednesday afternoon between 1 - 3 pm. Organiser: Jodie Wilkerson
0-5's group meet on Tuesday and Friday mornings between 10 - 11.30 am during term time. Organiser: Holly Parsons
0-5's group meet on Tuesday and Friday mornings between 10 - 11.30 am during term time. Organiser: Holly Parsons
Mondays between 5.30 and 6.30 pm during term time.
Vicar on the Strand, timings arranged during holiday period.
Help for Visitors
Jurassic Fibre, wifi password available from the Church office.
Coffee bar open Monday to Saturday 10:00 - 12:00
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9 am to 2 pm (sometimes an hour or so later) while the administrator is in the Parish Office. Thursdays 10 - 12, while the coffee bar is open.
Other Features
Fairtrade tea and coffee served
The local foodbank provide two emergency bags of non perishable food, these are left under a table opposite the coffee bar, out of view of CCTV. Anyone in need can take items from the bags. When they are low on supplies we contact the Salvation Army who replace them almost immediately.
Projector and screen, laptop connection, CD's can be played at life events, live streaming possible, events can be filmed/recorded from fixed cameras.
Large hall and kitchen for hire, please contact our office on 01395 263681 for further information.