Our Church Organ
The Church Organ at Stamfordham
We have a good two-manual organ, built by Forster & Andrews of Hull in 1873.
Swell stops:
- Oboe 8' (no bottom octave)
- Principal 4'
- Flute d'amour 8' (no bottom octave)
- Open Diapason 8' (no bottom octave)
- Stopped Diapason Bass 8' (bottom octave only – sounds automatically with any other stop)
Great stops:
- Fifteenth 2'
- Principal 4'
- Stopped Diapason (Treble) 8'
- Stopped Diapason (Bass) 8'
- Open Diapason 8'
- Dulciana 8' (no bottom octave)
- Mixture II (operated by Swell Stopped Diapason piston)
Pedal stop:
- Bourdon 16' (minus top three notes)
- Swell-Pedal
- Swell-Great
- Great-Pedal
Visiting organists are very welcome to play our organ by arrangement.