World Wars Memorial Plaque and Parish Centre of Worship

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On Sunday 14th April, All Saints held a special service to re-dedicate the Hatton World Wars Memorial Plaque that had been moved from the Prince Memorial Methodist Church (aka Hatton Methodist Church)  to All Saints following the closure of the former. The service also celebrated the official change in status of All Saints from a mission chapel to a Parish Centre of Worship. We were delighted to welcome The Bishop of Derby, The Right Reverend  Libby Lane to our service. Bishop Libby has been instrumental in All Saints being granted change of status. We were also delighted to welcome His Majesty's  Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Derbyshire, Colonel John Wilson OBE DL,  representatives from Hatton Parish Council and Hatton Methodist Church and friends from other congregations both near and not so near! It was lovely to see you all!

It is sad when a church building closes and Hatton Methodist Church is no exception. We at All Saints feel that sadness having shared many joint services and events with our friends there over many decades. It is a crumb of comfort that the war memorial has been rescued and installed nearby in All Saints Church, enabling memory to live on.  Thank you to the Methodist Church, Hatton Parish Council, All Saints Parochial Church Council, Derby Diocesan Advisory Council and legal processes that have made this possible.

After the service, we all enjoyed a light buffet next door in the Jubilee Hall provided by members of All Saints Church. Souvenir orders of service are available giving a brief history of All Saints' journey from mission chapel to Parish Centre of Worship, the World Wars Memorial Plaque and John Prince, local preacher, after whom Hatton Methodist Church was named.

Please view the photos of the day on here and on our Facebook page, thank you.