Facilities and features


A toilet is available during services in the church vestry.

Baby changing facilities are available in the vestry toilet

We don't have a specific bike rack, but you can chain and padlock your bike to railings in the churchyard.

Car parking is available in the village car park and on local roads

The toilet in the vestry is accessible and suitable for wheelchair users.

A defibrillator is owned by the community and located in a red telephone box at the entrance to the village car park, about 100 yards from the church.

Their is an electronically operated door to the right of the main church porch and entry through this door leads to a ramp into the main body of the church.

The church is fitted with a hearing loop.

Large print copies of service sheets and hymn books are available. Please ask a sidesperson

Assistance dogs are very welcome at any of our services in church.

Our Church has a very active Dementia Group (Living Memories) which meets twice monthly in our church hall.
See section on Community Groups

Our Building

We have just obtained a Bronze Award from A Rocha UK (November 2019)

Listed Building

Music and Worship

We have an active team of bellringers, who are always happy to hear from any new recruits.

Occasional concerts are held in the church. Please see local advertising.


BCP Holy Communion is at 8.00am every Sunday

We have an active choir, but they are always pleased to welcome newcomers.

Groups, Courses and Activities

JAM (Jesus and Me) for all secondary school aged children (Sunday evenings 6-7pm).
Youth Café (after school drop-in for all secondary school aged children) (Friday afternoons 4.30pm-5.30pm)

We run occasional courses - please see our website for any current details

We have several home groups. Please see our website for current details.

There is a regular Friday Morning 'Village Cafe' held between 10-11.45am in the Vestry Hall

Living Memories - meets twice monthly.
With the support of the Marden Church and the local Medical Centre, this group is designed to offer a meeting place for people suffering from memory loss. We offer all kinds of activities, music, memorabilia all designed to stimulate memories which are still very much alive.

Youth Café - meets on Fridays during term-time 4.30-5.30pm
A Café for secondary school aged children - a place to meet with friends when getting off the train or bus n the way home from school.

We have an active Mothers Union Branch in Marden - please contact the Church Office for more details.

Help for Visitors

Free wi fi is available in our Vestry Hall (not the church building)

A History Booklet is available from the church dresser - price 20p

The church is always open during daylight hours

Other Features

Audio-Visual Facilities
Conservation Area

Our Vestry Hall is available for hire, and is suitable for parties, groups, events etc. Please enquire.