Safeguarding and Promoting a Safer Church

Christ Church takes its duty and obligation to protect all extremely seriously. We have adopted the national Church of England’s robust procedures and guidelines. You can find out more about the national policies and procedures at  If you have any safeguarding concerns or issues on a safeguarding matter then you can find useful contact information at

Protection for All – children and vulnerable adult protection:- The PCC has adopted the Church of England Parish Safeguarding Handbook (updated August 2019). In 2021, we also adopted the Code of Safer Working Practice and Safer Environment and Activities. These and our shorter policy statement based on this is reviewed annually. Action has been taken to follow up on changes in our practice and updates have been released to all relevant volunteers.

Amanda Fawcett is our children’s advocate, Sophia Muncaster and Val Causton are the vulnerable adults’ officers.

Sue Chambers is the safeguarding officer and responsible for our safer recruitment practice and DBS checks. Training in these areas has been offered to all who have contact with children and/or vulnerable adults. DBS checks have been completed for all those who it is needed for and at the close of 2018, we extended this to include all PCC. The clergy and safeguarding officer are up to date with their training and a further 24 volunteers completed their C2 training in September 2019. Others who are working with children and/or vulnerable adults were actively encouraged to complete the C1 Safeguarding Training.  


CCNG_Parish_Safeguarding_Policy_January_2021_002, PDF
