Parish Giving Scheme - a simple way to give regularly


Being a committed follower of Jesus affects our whole life. Financial giving is not just a practical act, it is more significant than that. Giving is a spiritual discipline. Once a year we write to thank all members of Christ Church for their giving and encourage all our members to review what they give week by week or month by month.

The church needs money in order to function.  There are community activities; salaries; our parish share, which is our contribution to the work of the diocese; ever increasing day to day running costs including the church centre and support for our mission partners.  Our annual expenditure is possible only through the generous giving of the members of the church.

Although the collection plate is out at most of our services most Christ Church members give regularly by one of the methods outlined below. If you see yourself as part of Christ Church, we encourage you to consider giving regularly to support the church in its ministry by one of these means:

Parish Giving Scheme

The Parish Giving Scheme is a new, free way to help you plan your giving and where appropriate, do so tax efficiently. Whether you currently give by Standing Order, envelope or open plate you can easily make the switch to this secure and efficient Direct Debit system. Used by the majority of dioceses, this is tried, tested and highly recommended for its reliability and ease of use, the Parish Giving Scheme can help you manage your giving in a stress free way.

How does the Scheme work?

You give your regular donations to your church by Direct Debit on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis on the 1st of the month. Your full gift and any associated Gift Aid is automatically credited to your church the same month. You can choose to inflation proof your gift which will make a huge difference to your church’s finances.

You can change or cancel the amount at anytime by a simple phone call, so you can confirm the amount that you give before your account is debited.

Why give in a new way?

The Church of England has a Christian presence in every community, seeking to be at the heart of all our cities, towns and villages. Our church serves our community by sharing our faith and values, worshipping together and serving our community. 

This valuable contribution to our community comes at a cost, which is largely met by personal gifts from you and other church members. For our church to grow and plan for the future we rely on your regular gifts.

Money dominates too many agendas in our church and takes up a lot of our volunteers’ time in counting the money, administration and claiming Gift Aid. If you sign up to the Parish Giving Scheme more of your money and our time can be devoted to God’s mission.

What do I do next?

Christ Church has already signed up to the Parish Giving Scheme and many in our congregation have already completed their Gift Form (Direct Debit Mandate). All you need to do is give the Parish Giving Scheme a ring - tell them you want to give to Christ Church Norris Green - our reference - which is important is 220622087. They'll guide you through!  Simply ring 0333 002 1271

Or, ask Becca or Chris O'Brien and we'll give you a form! 

You can also choose to give anonymously and we at Christ Church will only be notified of the amount of your gift.

Weekly Offering Envelopes

New sets of envelopes start in January each year and are made available for collection in church shortly beforehand. But spare sets are always available from the our Giving Officer - Chris.