Christ Church Norris Green works closely with its sister churches in the area, The Good Shepherd and St Christopher's. Together we run Triple C (Liverpool), a registered charity.
Through the work of the project we run a host of events and activities - however, many of these are closed during the Pandemic. Usually, we have several key areas of work:
Children and Family Support Project
Baby group at Christ Church Centre - Baby Sensory Bears - a baby group for 0-12months and their parents/carers Tuesday 11am to 12.15pm. Developing baby’s 5 senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch) through play.
Children’s group at The Good Shepherd - Little Lambs Stay and Play for pre-schoolers on Mondays 1015-1145am
Holiday playschemes – usually run at Leamington School
Other Projects
Norris Green Debt Advice - based at Christ Church Centre.
Places of Welcome Community Café
Foodbanks (St Christopher's & The Good Shepherd)
The churches run distribution centres on Tuesday at St Christopher's and Wednesday at The Good Shepherd - where those who have a Foodbank voucher can collect their food
The project employs several staff including an Operations Manager, a Children and Families Support Worker, Debt Advice Workers. Triple C has a large team of volunteers - and we're often looking for additional volunteers. If you'd like to get involved, please get in touch!
Triple C (Liverpool) has a number of core funders for their staff posts including Steve Morgan Foundation, Tudor Trust, John Moores Foundation and PH Holt. Other projects receive funding from local organisations, the city council and charitable trusts.
The Project is office based at Christ Church Centre and can be contacted on 0151 226 2992.
More details are available on Triple C's website: