Facilities and features


There are toilet at the centre and cabin.

We have baby changing facilities at both the centre and cabin.

The bike rack is situated in the carpark closest to the double gate.

The centre and cabin has parking facilities and a disabled parking space.

There is a disabled toilet at the centre and cabin.

The centre and cabin has parking facilities and a disabled parking space,

Full access to the ground level

The Cabin has a loop system installed and the centre has a portable loop available when needed.

The centre, cabin and garden are all accessible for wheelchair users.

Our Building

We have reached Silver and are very close to getting Gold!

The Places of Welcome Community Café on a Tuesday between 12.30pm to 2.30pm offers a free hot meal and plenty of tea and coffee!

Music and Worship

Alongside our more modern services, we usually have an additional service in the style of Book of Common Prayer on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 12noon.

Groups, Courses and Activities

We have an after school club called Elevate is for children in school years 3 to 6 and runs on Wednesdays 3.30pm to 5pm during term time.

We have two bible studies which run at the church centre, one on Mondays 7.30pm to 9pm or Thursdays 12noon to 130pm

Our Debt Advice is based at Christ Church, Sedgemoor Road. It is part of our Triple C charity and comes under the umbrella of St Andrew's Network.

Rooted is an after-school group on Thursdays 330-5pm (term time only) for children in reception to year 6, helping them to go deeper in their faith.

Our Charity Triple C employs an Older Person's Worker Becky Keggin-Holt who can be contacted on 0151 226 2992 or 07507 732446 or by email at [email protected].

We have a pre-school groups, Little Steps is for toddlers and their carers , it is based in Christ Church Cabin and is on a Wednesday morning 10am to 11.30am. This groups run term time only.

We have a pre-school groups, Little Steps is for toddlers and their carers , it is based in Christ Church Cabin and is on a Wednesday morning 10am to 11.30am. This groups run term time only.

Help for Visitors

Other Features

We only use fair trade tea and coffee.

All our services our on television screens

Urban Priority Area

The cabin and centre is available for hire, contact Sue Chambers on [email protected]