
for 45 mins
Berkswell - St. John Baptist
Church Lane Berkswell Coventry, CV7 7BJ, United Kingdom

We will be thinking especially of the loss of children - the longed for babies that were never born, children who have died before birth, or who have only lived for a few hours; and those who died in infancy.

Traditionally snowdrops are presented to the Virgin Mary at Candlemas - as she presented her baby at the Temple. In presenting our snowdrops we will be remembering lost babies, both those whose loss we mourn personally and the unnumbered millions who die as a result of war, starvation or neglect.

Berkswell - St. John Baptist

St John Baptist is a thriving, family-friendly church. A presence in Berkswell since the 12th century, we continue to welcome a strong  congregation to our services and various events. All are welcome to join us, you can be assured of a friendly Berkswell welcome.

Our church is open every day to visitors and those seeking some quiet time or individual prayer.  

We currently hold services on Sundays (morning and early evening)  and Thursday mornings.  Our Junior Church Group, meets during the Sunday morning service, Junior Church currently operates during school term time, please see 'Notices' for the scheduled activities.

Get in touch

Janet Roberts - Parish Administrator

St John Baptist
Church Lane

Parish Office
(01676) 529123
Rectory Office (Revd Canon Dr Mark Bratton)
01676 533605

Our website

What's on


for 45 mins
Berkswell - St. John Baptist
Church Lane Berkswell Coventry, CV7 7BJ, United Kingdom

We will be thinking especially of the loss of children - the longed for babies that were never born, children who have died before birth, or who have only lived for a few hours; and those who died in infancy.

Traditionally snowdrops are presented to the Virgin Mary at Candlemas - as she presented her baby at the Temple. In presenting our snowdrops we will be remembering lost babies, both those whose loss we mourn personally and the unnumbered millions who die as a result of war, starvation or neglect.


Our parish church of St John Baptist, Berkswell is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults from harm. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO). Our Diocese of Coventry’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor who advises our PSO.
If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the PSO , Wendy Burns on 07917 063708 or the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor, Sarah Price. Please follow the link below fro contact details of the Diocesan Safeguarding Team.
If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority’s children or adult social care services.

For details of our Safeguarding Policy please contact the church office on 01676 529123 or Parish Safeguarding Officer - Wendy Burns 07917 063708.

Diocesan Safeguarding Team Contact Details

Berkswell - St. John Baptist Charity No. 1132450