About Us

A fascinating church built by Miss Louisa Ann Ryland 1862/4 and designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott RA, an eminent Victorian architect of the day. Features include marble columns with carved capitals by Farmer of London, stained glass windows by Clayton and Bell, a tabletomb designed by Augustus Pugin and a memorial to Henry Eric Maudslay D.F.C. killed in the attack on Möhne Dam (Dambusters) in 1943. 

The church normally has Morning Prayer at 9:30am on the 1st Sunday and Holy Communion at 11:00am on the 3rd Sunday of each month.  On the 2nd Sunday of the month there is a coffee morning from 10:30am and on 4th Sundays there is a Benefice service which rotates round the three churches of Barford, Sherbourne and Wasperton. 

Visitors are always welcome, please contact the Associate Minister to ensure that the church will be open when you come to see us.

Please note that we are currently in vacancy.