In his final weekly video of 2023, Bishop Richard asks how we respond to the Christmas story in the Bible? Just a fairy tale or a metaphor to explain deeper truths?Bishop Richard says: 'It is the story of Emmanuel, God with us. Confronted with this reality we cannot live as if it isn’t the turning point of history. St. James in his letter said, “faith without works is dead.” His is an abrupt challenge to us. Faith in Jesus Christ is always personal but never private. Faith in Jesus Christ changes our relationship with God, but it also changes our relationship with the world around us.''We live in a broken, violent world and we’re called to live our lives as salt and light in that world.... Current world events could lead us to despair but the cumulative effect of many Christian acts of obedience can change things. Our prayer, our giving, our life choices can all make a difference.'Visit the diocesan website for a transcript of the Bishop of Hereford's Message.
We are delighted to announce that Revd Angie Kateley has been appointed Priest in Charge for all our parishes and churches in Garway, Hentland & Hoarwithy, Orcop, Tretire & Pencoyd with Michaelchurch, and St. Weonards.Angie is currently a curate in Abbeydore Deanery, and finishes her three year training there in July, so she will be joining us in the summer.Angie asked if we could pass on a message from her: "I would like to give my huge thanks to everyone who helped make me so welcome and relaxed, both on my visit to the benefice and during my interview. I cannot tell you how delighted I am to be joining you in the summer. May God bless you over this Christmas season and into the New Year."Please join us in thanking God that Angie has been called to serve our group of parishes, and do pray for her as she completes her curacy and prepares to move to St Weonards in the summer. We look forward to welcoming her then.
As always, our Parish News is packed with stories from all our villages, a helpful listing of the many events in our parishes and at Hereford Cathedral as we approach Christmas, wildlife notes, book reviews, lots of small ads, and of course a Chuckle Corner to make you laugh (or groan!)Click the DOWNLOAD link to access the current edition of the Parish News in PDF format.
As always, our Parish News is packed with stories from all our villages, a helpful listing of forthcoming events, lots of small ads, and even a Chuckle Corner to make you laugh!Click the DOWNLOAD link to access the current edition of the Parish News in PDF format.