St Weonards Annual Parochial Church Meeting
- Occurring
- for 1 hour, 30 mins
- Venue
- St Weonards Church
- Address St Weonard's Church, St Weonards, Hereford, HR2 8NU, United Kingdom
Our annual church meeting is open to all, and is an important opportunity for us to reflect together on the church's ministry and outreach in the year past, and to look forward to activities in the year ahead. We encourage everyone to stay and chat over refreshments after the meeting.
This year, we're also required to renew our church electoral roll. If you wish to join the roll (which allows you to vote at the APCM!), please download the attached electoral roll application form, complete it and send it to our Electoral Roll Officer, Fiona Mynors.
What happens at an APCM? Lots! We will:
- hear a report from our Vicar
- elect our Churchwardens, PCC members, and Deanery Synod representative
- report on the numbers entered on the new electoral roll
and receive several reports (with opportunity for questions):
- annual report on the proceedings of the PCC and the activities of the parish generally
- financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2024
- annual fabric report
- report on the proceedings of Ross & Archenfield Deanery Synod.
We also appoint an independent examiner.
We look forward to seeing you.