Facilities and features
We have stands for 4 cycles.
There is car parking available opposite the primary school.
The defibrillator is located in the red BT phone box opposite the entrance to the churchyard.
We have a wheelchair ramp to facilitate access through the south door of the church.
Our Building
We were awarded a Bronze Award under the Eco Church scheme in 2020.
Our building has a Grade I listing.
Music and Worship
Bell-ringing practice takes place most Thursdays, 7.00-8.30pm. Please contact our Tower Captain Peter Hallewell for more information. New ringers very welcome!
The benefice choir joins us for for worship here from time to time.
Groups, Courses and Activities
Help for Visitors
You can find a visitor leaflet in the church.
The church is open every day during daylight hours.
Other Features
We collect essential 'store cupboard' provisions for the Hereford Food Bank.