Related Churches
All Saints, Malvern Wells & Wyche
All Saints Malvern Wells & Wyche is a friendly and contemporary Church of England Church with strong links with our community. We particularly have a thriving toddlers group and a Messy Church. We are currently holding an in-person, blended service of traditional and contemporary worship every Sunday at 10am.
We always love having new people join us so do get in contact and come along and check us out!
Our 10am Sunday service is also being live-streamed and details of this can be found on our website where we continue with a variety of ways of connecting with you at this time. Please click here to find out more. You are very welcome to join us.
St Andrew's Malvern
We are a lively, contemporary and friendly church in Poolbrook, Malvern. We particularly have a thriving children and young people's work with six different groups for them running on a Sunday. As well as our 10.30 Sunday Service, we host an Early Birds group on Sundays at 9am for parents and children aged 0 - 8 on every 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays. We also hold a more traditional midweek service on Thursdays at 11am. We have lots going on throughout the year including a Toddler Group, a regular Bereavement Coffee morning, a Summer Holiday Club for primary children and a variety of community groups for people to find support and friendship and grow in their faith. We love having new people join us so please do get in touch and come and visit us.
Please click here to find out more about what is happening at St Andrew's. You are very welcome to join us.
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Most churches are “Excepted Charities” and are therefore not registered with the Charity Commission. You can download a PDF that includes your church name, address and church code. This PDF, which is an extract from the Church of England’s database of churches, can serve as a certificate for churches requiring proof of their charity status when registering for online and card-based giving. Click on the download button below and log into your account. Once logged in, click on the download button and the certificate will be downloaded straight to your device. If you do not have an account, you can register here.